Implementasi Manhaj Tarjih ini disampaikan dalam bentuk beberapa contoh studi kasus berikut ini:
Category: Agama
Sedunia Pengetahuan
Sejak dulu, manusia selalu penasaran tentang berbagai hal yang ada di sekelilingnya. Interaksinya bersama alam dan sesama manusia selalu memunculkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam pikirannya. Manusia kemudian berusaha mencari tahu untuk mendapatkan [ … ]
Religious Diversity
Historically, Islam did not exist in a religious vacuum. Long before Islam came, there were many religions that had developed in the Arabian Peninsula and its surroundings: Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, [ … ]
Theology of Works
As a mandate of the caliphate on earth, humans must work in real terms to prosper the earth. Even though the life of this world is only temporary, humans are [ … ]
Environmental Theology
Nature has supported humans since the beginning of the history of their civilization. He provides various human needs to be processed into various materials, both food, clothing, and boards. However, [ … ]
Theology of Nationhood
By sunnatullah, humans were created into tribes and nations (al-Quran | surah al-Hujurat [49]: 13). However, at the same time, the Islamic ummah needs to form a unified Muslim ummah [ … ]
Transformative Piety
Righteousness is the fruit of faith. People who practice religious teachings obediently are called pious people. However, under certain conditions, the Koran actually curses people who practice religious observance (piety). [ … ]
Religious Critical Thinking
In the early days of its history, religions actually played a central role as social criticism. Religions emerge as a challenge as well as an alternative to various social practices [ … ]
Islamic Monotheism
Throughout the history of mankind, the Prophets were sent to convey the same message: Monotheism, namely that there is only one God. The teaching of monotheism is a fundamental basis [ … ]
The Caliphate on Earth
Before there was life on earth, God had a great plan for a creature who would lead all creatures to prosper the earth. The Qur’an relates this in surah al-Baqarah [ … ]